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System Process in C#

Sachindra Singh 5723 11-Feb-2011

What is System Process?

The Process component is useful to obtain the list of the processes that are running on the system.With the help of Process component tool we can manage   starting, stopping, controlling, and monitoring applications. The System.Diagnostics namespace contains functions that allow you to manage processes, threads, eventlogs and performance information. In this Demonstration I am trying to show how we can obtain list of process that are currently open and close.

class Demonstration_Of_Process
        public voidCheck(Process[] pr)//Creating check function with parameter
            int flag=0;//creating int variable initializing from 0
            Process[] current=pr;//creating array(current) of process and initializing from pr variable that contain list of processing that are running
            Process[] previous=pr;//creating array(previous) of process and initializing from pr variable that contain list of processing that are running
            while (true)//while loop will be execute inifinte time to obtain list of process that are running on the system
                current=Process.GetProcesses();//current variable containing the list of the application that are running
                if (current.Length> previous.Length)//checking condition current length of process is greater than previous length of process or not
                    foreach (Process cur incurrent)//loop executing
                        if (flag==0)//checking condition
                            foreach (Processtemp inprevious)//loop executing
                                if (temp.ProcessName==cur.ProcessName)// condition checking that application is runing or not
                                    flag =1;//variable flag initializing from 1
                                    break;// current loop will be terminate if application exist in the process     
                        if (flag==0)//checking condition
                            Console.WriteLine(" Start-->"+cur.ProcessName);//message will be show on command window
                        flag =0;//flag initializing from 0
                    if (current.Length< previous.Length)//checking condition if any application has closed
                        foreach (Processcurinprevious)//loop executing of pervious process
                            foreach (Processtemp incurrent)//loop executing of current process
                                    if (temp.ProcessName==cur.ProcessName)//condition checking  that application which application has terminated
                                        flag =1;//variable flag initializing from 1
                                        break;//current loop will be terminate if application exist in the process        
                                if (flag==0)//checking condition
                                Console.WriteLine(" Close -->"+cur.ProcessName);//message will be show on command window
                            flag =0;//flag initializing from 0
                previous=current;//copying all list of process in previous variable
            Demonstration_Of_Processdof= new Demonstration_Of_Process();//creating object of the class
            Process[] pp= Process.GetProcesses();//creating process array and store list of application in pp variable from GetProcesses() method
            dof.Check(pp);//calling parametrize function and passing value pp

After run this Demonstration if I open Notepad application the window will display message “Start->notepad”  it means Notepad has open as shown below:


System Process in C#

If I close Notepad, the command window will show message “Close notepad”  it means application has closed as shown below:


System Process in C#

Updated 04-Mar-2020

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